Source code for anyblok_wms_base.core.goods.goods

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is a part of the AnyBlok / WMS Base project
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Georges Racinet <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from copy import deepcopy
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.column import Text
from anyblok.column import Selection
from anyblok.column import Integer
from anyblok.column import DateTime
from anyblok.relationship import Many2One
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb

from anyblok_wms_base.constants import (

_missing = object()
"""A marker to use as default value in get-like functions/methods."""

register = Declarations.register
Model = Declarations.Model

[docs]@register(Model.Wms) class Goods: """Main data type to represent physical objects managed by the system. The instances of this model are also the ultimate representation of the Goods "staying the same" or "becoming different" under the Operations, which is, ultimately, a subjective decision that has to be left to downstream libraires and applications, or even end users. For instance, everybody agrees that moving something around does not make it different. Therefore, the Move Operation uses the same Goods record in its outcome as in its input. On the other hand, changing a property could be considered enough an alteration of the physical object to consider it different, or not (think of recording some measurement that had not be done earlier.) """ id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True) """Primary key.""" type = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.Goods.Type', nullable=False, index=True) """The :class:`Goods Type <.type.Type>`""" code = Text(label="Identifying code", index=True) """Uniquely identifying code. This should be about what one is ready to display as a barcode for handling the Goods. It's also meant to be shared with other applications if needed (rather than ids which are only locally unique). """ properties = Many2One(label="Properties", index=True, model='Model.Wms.Goods.Properties') """Link to :class:`Properties`. .. seealso:: :ref:`goods_properties` for functional aspects. .. warning:: don't ever mutate the contents of :attr:`properties` directly, unless what you want is precisely to affect all the Goods records that use them directly. Besides their :attr:`type` and the fields meant for the Wms Base bloks logic, the Goods Model bears flexible data, called *properties*, that are to be manipulated as key/value pairs through the :meth:`get_property` and :meth:`set_property` methods. As far as ``wms_core`` is concerned, values of properties can be of any type, yet downstream applications and libraries can choose to make them direct fields of the :class:`Properties` model. Properties can be shared among several Goods records, for efficiency. The :meth:`set_property` implements the necessary Copy-on-Write mechanism to avoid unintentionnally modify the properties of many Goods records. Technically, this data is deported into the :class:`Properties` Model (see there on how to add additional properties). The properties column value can be None, so that we don't pollute the database with empty lines of Property records, although this is subject to change in the future. """ def __str__(self): return "(id={}, type={self.type})".format(self=self) def __repr__(self): return "Wms.Goods(id={}, type={self.type!r})".format(self=self) def has_type(self, goods_type): """Tell whether ``self`` has the given type. :param .type.Type goods_type: :return: ``True`` if the :attr:`type` attribute is ``goods_type`` :rtype bool: """ return self.type.is_sub_type(goods_type)
[docs] def get_property(self, k, default=None): """Property getter, works like :meth:`dict.get`. Actually I'd prefer to simply implement the dict API, but we can't direcly inherit from UserDict yet. This is good enough to provide the abstraction needed for current internal wms_core calls. """ props = val = _missing if props is None else props.get(k, _missing) if val is _missing: return self.type.get_property(k, default=default) return val
def _maybe_duplicate_props(self): """Internal method to duplicate Properties Duplication occurs iff there are other Goods with the same Properties instance. The caller must have already checked that ```` is not ``None``. """ cls = self.__class__ existing = if cls.query( == existing, != = existing.duplicate()
[docs] def set_property(self, k, v): """Property setter. See remarks on :meth:`get_property`. This method implements a simple Copy-on-Write mechanism. Namely, if the properties are referenced by other Goods records, it will duplicate them before actually setting the wished value. """ existing_props = if existing_props is None: = self.registry.Wms.Goods.Properties( flexible=dict()) elif existing_props.get(k) != v: self._maybe_duplicate_props(), v)
def update_properties(self, mapping): """Update Properties in one shot, similar to :meth:`dict.update` :param mapping: a :class:`dict` like object, or an iterable of (key, value) pairs This method implements a simple Copy-on-Write mechanism. Namely, if the properties are referenced by other Goods records, it will duplicate them before actually setting the wished value. """ items_meth = getattr(mapping, 'items', None) if items_meth is None: items = mapping else: items = mapping.items() existing_props = if existing_props is None: = self.registry.Wms.Goods.Properties.create( **{k: v for k, v in items}) return actual_upd = [] for k, v in items: if existing_props.get(k, _missing) != v: actual_upd.append((k, v)) if not actual_upd: return self._maybe_duplicate_props() def has_property(self, name): """Check if a Property with given name is present.""" props = if props is not None and name in props: return True return self.type.has_property(name) def has_properties(self, names): """Check in one shot if Properties with given names are present.""" if not names: return True props = if props is None: return self.type.has_properties(names) return self.type.has_properties(n for n in names if n not in props) def has_property_values(self, mapping): """Check that all key/value pairs of mapping are in properties.""" if not mapping: return True props = if props is None: return self.type.has_property_values(mapping) return all(self.get_property(k, default=_missing) == v for k, v in mapping.items())
[docs]@register(Model.Wms.Goods) class Properties: """Properties of Goods. This is kept in a separate Model (and SQL table) to provide sharing among several :class:`Goods` instances, as they can turn out to be identical for a large number of them. Use-case: receive a truckload of milk bottles that all have the same expiration date, and unpack everything down to the bottles. The expiration date would be stored in a single Properties instance, assuming there aren't also non-uniform properties to store, of course. Applications are welcome to overload this model to add new fields rather than storing their meaningful information in the :attr:`flexible` field, if it has added value for performance or programmming tightness reasons. This has the obvious drawback of defining some properties for all Goods, regardless of their Types, so it should not be abused. On :class:`Goods`, the :meth:`get_property <Goods.get_property>` / :meth:`set_property <Goods.set_property>` API will treat direct fields and top-level keys of :attr:`flexible` uniformely, that, as long as all pieces of code use only this API to handle properties, flexible keys can be replaced with proper fields transparently at any time in the development of downstream applications and libraries (assuming of course that any existing data is properly migrated to the new schema). """ id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True) """Primary key.""" flexible = Jsonb(label="Flexible properties") """Flexible properties. The value is expected to be a mapping, and all property handling operations defined in the ``wms-core`` will handle the properties by key, while being indifferent of the values. .. note:: the core also makes use of a few special properties, such as ``contents``. TODO make a list, in the form of constants in a module """ @classmethod def _field_property_names(cls): """Iterable over the names of properties that are fields.""" return (f for f in cls._fields_description() if f not in ('id', 'flexible')) def as_dict(self): """Return the properties as a ``dict``. This is not to be confused with the generic :meth:`to_dict` method of all Models. The present method abstracts over the :attr:`flexible` field and the regular ones. It also strips :attr:`id` and doesn't attempt to follow relationships. """ res = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._field_property_names()} flex = self.flexible if flex is not None: res.update((k, deepcopy(v)) for k, v in flex.items()) return res def __getitem__(self, k): if k in self._field_property_names(): return getattr(self, k) if self.flexible is None: raise KeyError(k) return self.flexible[k]
[docs] def get(self, k, *default): if len(default) > 1: raise TypeError("get expected at most 2 arguments, got %d" % ( len(default) + 1)) try: return self[k] except KeyError: if default: return default[0] return None
def __setitem__(self, k, v): if k in ('id', 'flexible'): raise ValueError("The key %r is reserved, and can't be used " "as a property name" % k) if k in self.fields_description(): setattr(self, k, v) else: if self.flexible is None: self.flexible = {k: v} else: self.flexible[k] = v flag_modified(self, '__anyblok_field_flexible') set = __setitem__ # backwards compatibility
[docs] def duplicate(self): """Insert a copy of ``self`` and return its id.""" fields = {k: getattr(self, k) for k in self._field_property_names() } return self.insert(flexible=deepcopy(self.flexible), **fields)
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, **props): """Direct creation. The caller doesn't have to care about which properties get stored as direct fields or in the :attr:`flexible` field. This method is a better alternative than insertion followed by calls to :meth:`set`, because it guarantees that only one SQL INSERT will be issued. If no ``props`` are given, then nothing is created and ``None`` gets returned, thus avoiding a needless row in the database. This may seem trivial, but it spares a test for callers that would pass a ``dict``, using the ``**`` syntax, which could turn out to be empty. """ if not props: return fields = set(cls._field_property_names()) columns = {} flexible = {} forbidden = ('id', 'flexible') for k, v in props.items(): if k in forbidden: raise ValueError( "The key %r is reserved, and can't be used as " "a property key" % k) if k in fields: columns[k] = v else: flexible[k] = v return cls.insert(flexible=flexible, **columns)
def update(self, *args, **kwargs): """Similar to :meth:`dict.update` This current implementation doesn't attempt to be smarter that setting the values one after the other, which means in particular going through all the checks for each key. A future implementation might try and be more efficient. """ if len(args) > 1: raise TypeError("update expected at most 1 arguments, got %d" % ( len(args))) iters = [kwargs.items()] if args: positional = args[0] if isinstance(positional, dict): iters.append(positional.items()) else: iters.append(positional) for it in iters: for k, v in it: self[k] = v def __contains__(self, k): """Support for the 'in' operator. Field properties are always present. Since one could say that the database uses ``None`` to mark absence, it could be relevant to return False if the value is ``None`` (TODO STABILIZATION). """ if k in self._field_property_names(): return True flex = self.flexible if flex is None: return False return k in flex
[docs]@register(Model.Wms.Goods) class Avatar: """Goods Avatar. See in :ref:`Core Concepts <goods_avatar>` for a functional description. """ id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True) """Primary key.""" goods = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.Goods, index=True, nullable=False) """The Goods of which this is an Avatar.""" state = Selection(label="State of existence", selections=GOODS_STATES, nullable=False, index=True) """State of existence in the premises. see :mod:`anyblok_wms_base.constants`. This may become an ENUM once Anyblok supports them. """ location = Many2One(model=Model.Wms.Location, nullable=False, index=True) """Where the Goods are/will be/were. See :class:`Location <anyblok_wms_base.core.location.Location>` for a discussion of what this should actually mean. """ dt_from = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) from this date & time", nullable=False) """Date and time from which the Avatar is meaningful, inclusively. Functionally, even though the default in creating Operations will be to use the current date and time, this is not to be confused with the time of creation in the database, which we don't care much about. The actual meaning really depends on the value of the :attr:`state` field: + In the ``past`` and ``present`` states, this is supposed to be a faithful representation of reality. + In the ``future`` state, this is completely theoretical, and ``wms-core`` doesn't do much about it, besides using it to avoid counting several :ref:`goods_avatar` of the same physical goods while :meth:`peeking at quantities in the future <anyblok_wms_base.core.location.Location.quantity>`. If the end application does serious time prediction, it can use it freely. In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same Goods aren't present at an earlier time with the same state, location, etc. That earlier time range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth). """ dt_until = DateTime(label="Exist (or will) until this date & time") """Date and time until which the Avatar record is meaningful, exclusively. Like :attr:`dt_from`, the meaning varies according to the value of :attr:`state`: + In the ``past`` state, this is supposed to be a faithful representation of reality: apart from the special case of formal :ref:`Splits and Aggregates <op_split_aggregate>`, the goods really left this location at these date and time. + In the ``present`` and ``future`` states, this is purely theoretical, and the same remarks as for the :attr:`dt_from` field apply readily. In all cases, this doesn't mean that the very same goods aren't present at an later time with the same state, location, etc. That later time range would simply be another Avatar (use case: moving back and forth). """ reason = Many2One(label="The operation that is the direct cause " "for the values", index=True, model=Model.Wms.Operation, nullable=False) """Entry point to operational history. This records the Operation that is responsible for the current Avatar, including its :attr:`state`. In practice, it is simply the latest :class:`Operation <.operation.base.Operation>` that affected these goods. It should renamed as ``outcome_of`` or ``latest_operation`` in some future. .. note:: As a special case, planned Operations do change :attr:`dt_until` on the Avatars they work on without setting themselves as :attr:`reason`. No setting themselves as :attr:`reason` helps to distinguish their inputs from their outcomes and is in line with :attr:`dt_until` being theoretical in that case anyway. """ def __str__(self): return ("(id={}, goods={self.goods}, state={self.state!r}, " "location={self.location}, " "dt_range=[{self.dt_from}, {self.dt_until})".format(self=self)) def __repr__(self): return ("Wms.Goods.Avatar(id={}, " "goods={self.goods!r}, state={self.state!r}, " "location={self.location!r}, " "dt_range=[{self.dt_from!r}, {self.dt_until!r})").format( self=self) def get_property(self, k, default=None): return self.goods.get_property(k, default=default)