Source code for anyblok_wms_base.inventory.order

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is a part of the AnyBlok / WMS Base project
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Georges Racinet <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
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from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.column import Integer
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb
from .exceptions import (NodeStateError,

register = Declarations.register
Model = Declarations.Model

[docs]@register(Model.Wms) class Inventory: """This model represents the decision of making an Inventory. It expresses a global specification for the inventory process to be made as well as human level additional information. Applicative code is welcomed and actually supposed to override this to add more columns as needed (dates, creator, reason, comments...) Instances of :class:`Wms.Inventory <Inventory>` are linked to a tree of processing :class:`Nodes <anyblok_wms_base.inventory.node.Node>`, which is reachable with the convenience :attr:`root` attribute. TODO structural Properties to use throughout the whole hierarchy for Physical Object identification This tree is designed for distribution of the assessment and reconciliation work, but it's possible to compute all reconciliations and apply them on an Inventory for testing purposes as follows (assuming that all related :class:`Nodes <.node.Node>` are in the ``full`` state):: inventory.root.recurse_compute_push_actions() inventory.reconcile_all() """ id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True) """Primary key.""" excluded_types = Jsonb() """List of Physobj.Type codes to be excluded. This is not the smartest way of excluding stuff, but it's good enough for time being. The primary use-case is to exclude some/most of the container types from inventories, which could also be done by excluding all container types with a recursive query involving behaviours, but that's a performance hit for something that can be done by simply excluding a few types. """ considered_types = Jsonb() """List of ``Physobj.Type`` codes to be considered. Similarly to :attr:`excluded_types`, this is good enough and can be later be improved by adding a flag to make it recursive. """ @property def root(self): """Root Node of the Inventory.""" return (self.registry.Wms.Inventory.Node.query() .filter_by(inventory=self, parent=None) .one())
[docs] @classmethod def create(cls, location, **fields): """Insert a new Inventory together with its root Node. :return: the new Inventory """ Node = cls.registry.Wms.Inventory.Node inventory = cls.insert(**fields) Node.insert(inventory=inventory, location=location) return inventory
[docs] def reconcile_all(self): """Convenience method to apply all Actions linked to this Inventory. This is a straightforward yet non scalable implementation of the final reconciliation (see below). Don't use it on large installations. To run it, it is required that the :attr:`root` Node has reached the ``pushed`` state. :raises: NodeStateError if :attr:`root` Node is not ready. This method does everything in one shot, therefore leading to huge database transactions on full inventories of large installations. For large inventories, a more progressive way of doing is required, perhaps Node per Node plus batching for each Node. Nodes wouldn't have to be taken in order, but care must be taken while updating their state to 'reconciled' in out of order executions with several batches per Node. """ root = self.root if root.state != 'pushed': raise NodeStateError(root, "This root {node} has not " "reached the 'pushed' state " "(currently at {state!r})") Node = self.Node Action = self.Action for action in (Action.query() .join(Node, == Action.node_id) .filter(Node.inventory == self) .all()): action.apply() (Node.query() .filter_by(inventory=self) .update(dict(state='reconciled'), synchronize_session='fetch'))