Source code for anyblok_wms_base.core.operation.assembly

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is a part of the AnyBlok / WMS Base project
#    Copyright (C) 2018 Georges Racinet <>
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,You can
# obtain one at
import itertools

from anyblok import Declarations
from anyblok.column import Integer
from anyblok.column import Text
from anyblok_postgres.column import Jsonb
from anyblok.relationship import Many2One

from anyblok_wms_base.exceptions import (OperationInputsError,
from anyblok_wms_base.constants import (DEFAULT_ASSEMBLY_NAME,
from anyblok_wms_base.utils import dict_merge

register = Declarations.register
Mixin = Declarations.Mixin
Operation = Declarations.Model.Wms.Operation

_missing = object()
"""A marker to use as default value in get-like functions/methods."""

OPERATION_STATES = ('planned', 'started', 'done')

def state_interval(from_state, to_state):
    """Return a tuple of states to pass in a state jump.

    :param from_state: the state to start from, or None
    :param to_state: the state to reach
    if from_state is None:
        from_state_idx = 0
        from_state_idx = OPERATION_STATES.index(from_state) + 1
    return OPERATION_STATES[from_state_idx:
                            OPERATION_STATES.index(to_state) + 1]

class CheckMatch:
    """Used to store check and match property requirements directive.

    The added value of this class is to make the merging of parameters easier
    for 'requirements' (whose value is 'check' or 'match'), with the same API
    as :class:`dict` and :class:`set` implementing the rule that 'match'
    wins over 'check'.

    is_match = False

    def update(self, upd):
        if upd not in ('check', 'match'):
            raise ValueError(upd)
        self.is_match = self.is_match or upd == 'match'

def merge_state_parameter(spec, from_state, to_state, param_type):
    """Utility method to merge sets or dict parameter for state jumps.

    :param spec: a dict whose keys are Operation states and values are the
                 per-state parameter values
    :param from_state: the state to start from, or None
    :param to_state: the state to reach
    :param str param_type:
        the type of the parameter (can be ``'set'`` or ``'dict'``)
    :return: merged value for the parameter
    :raises: ValueError for unknown types

    Besides doing the aggregation, this normalizes things a bit.
    For instance, ``spec`` can be ``None``, and in that case,  we'll get
    an appropriate empty value.
    if param_type == 'set':
        res = set()
    elif param_type == 'dict':
        res = {}
    elif param_type == 'check_match':
        res = CheckMatch()
        raise ValueError(
            "Unsupported parameter type for state merging: %r" % param_type)

    if spec is None:
        return res

    for step in state_interval(from_state, to_state):
        step_param = spec.get(step)
        if step_param is None:
    return res

def merge_state_sub_parameters(spec, from_state, to_state, *subkeys):
    """Utility method to merge sets or dict parameters for state jumps.

    :param spec: a dict whose keys are Operation states
    :param from_state: the state to start from, or None
    :param to_state: the state to reach
    :param subkeys: each one is a pair (subkey, type) where subkey is the
                    key to consider inside each state subdict of ``spec``
                    and type is a string representing the type of the
                    corresponding values (``'set'`` or ``'dict'``).
    :return: values for the subkeys, in lexical order if there are several
             or just the value if there's one.
    :raises: ValueError for unknown types

    Besides doing the aggregation, this normalizes things a bit.
    For instance, ``spec`` can be ``None``, and in that case,  we'll get
    empty values for the subkeys.
    res = []
    for subkey, subtype in subkeys:
        if subtype == 'set':
        elif subtype == 'dict':
            raise ValueError(
                "Unknown subkey type %r for subkey %r" % (subtype, subkey))

    if spec is None:
        return None if not res else res if len(res) > 1 else res[0]

    for step in state_interval(from_state, to_state):
        step_spec = spec.get(step)
        if step_spec is None:
        for i, (k, _) in enumerate(subkeys):
            res[i].update(step_spec.get(k, ()))

    return None if not res else res if len(res) > 1 else res[0]

[docs]@register(Operation) class Assembly(Mixin.WmsSingleOutcomeOperation, Operation): """Assembly/Pack Operation. This operation covers simple packing and assembly needs : those for which a single outcome is produced from the inputs, which must also be in the same Location. The behaviour is specified on the :attr:`outcome's PhysObj Type <outcome_type>` (see :attr:`Assembly specification <specification>`); it amounts to describe the expected inputs, and how to build the Properties of the outcome (see :meth:`outcome_properties`). All Property related parameters in the specification are bound to the state to be reached or passed through. A given Type can be assembled in different ways: the :attr:`Assembly specification <specification>` is chosen within the ``assembly`` Type behaviour according to the value of the :attr:`name` field. :meth:`Specific hooks <specific_outcome_properties>` are available for use-cases that aren't covered by the specification format (example: to forward Properties with non uniform values from the inputs to the outcome). The :attr:`name` is the main dispatch key for these hooks, which don't depend on the :attr:`outcome's Good Type <outcome_type>`. """ TYPE = 'wms_assembly' id = Integer(label="Identifier", primary_key=True, autoincrement=False, foreign_key=Operation.use('id').options(ondelete='cascade')) outcome_type = Many2One(model='Model.Wms.PhysObj.Type', nullable=False) """The :class:`PhysObj Type <anyblok_wms_base.core.physobj.Type>` to produce. """ name = Text(nullable=False, default=DEFAULT_ASSEMBLY_NAME) """The name of the assembly, to be looked up in behaviour. This field has a default value to accomodate the common case where there's only one assembly for the given :attr:`outcome_type`. .. note:: the default value is not enforced before flush, this can prove out to be really inconvenient for downstream code. TODO apply the default value in :meth:`check_create_conditions` for convenience ? """ parameters = Jsonb() """Extra parameters specific to this instance. This :class:`dict` is merged with the parameters from the :attr:`outcome_type` behaviour to build the final :attr:`specification`. """ match = Jsonb() """Field use to store the result of inputs matching Assembly Operations match their actual inputs (set at creation) with the ``inputs`` part of :attr:`specification`. This field is used to store the result, so that it's available for further logic (for instance in the :meth:`property setting hooks <specific_outcome_properties>`). This field's value is either ``None`` (before matching) or a list of lists: for each of the inputs specification, respecting ordering, the list of ids of the matching Avatars. """ @property def extra_inputs(self): matched = set(av_id for m in self.match for av_id in m) return (av for av in self.inputs if not in matched) def specific_repr(self): return ("outcome_type={self.outcome_type!r}, " "name={!r}").format(self=self)
[docs] @classmethod def check_create_conditions(cls, state, dt_execution, inputs=None, outcome_type=None, name=None, **kwargs): super(Assembly, cls).check_create_conditions( state, dt_execution, inputs=inputs, **kwargs) behaviour = outcome_type.behaviours.get('assembly') if behaviour is None: raise OperationError( cls, "No assembly specified for type {outcome_type!r}", outcome_type=outcome_type) spec = behaviour.get(name) if spec is None: raise OperationError( cls, "No such assembly: {name!r} for type {outcome_type!r}", name=name, outcome_type=outcome_type) cls.check_inputs_locations(inputs, outcome_type=outcome_type, name=name)
[docs] @classmethod def check_inputs_locations(cls, inputs, **kwargs): """Check consistency of inputs locations. This method is singled out for easy override by applicative code. Indeed applicative code can consider that the inputs may be in a bunch of related locations, with a well defined output location. In particular, it receives keyword arguments ``kwargs`` that we don't need in this default implementation. """ loc = inputs[0].location if any(inp.location != loc for inp in inputs[1:]): raise OperationInputsError( cls, "Inputs {inputs} are in different Locations: {locations!r}", inputs=inputs, # in the passing case, building a set would have been # useless overhead locations=set(inp.location for inp in inputs))
def extract_property(self, extracted, goods, prop, exc_details=None): """Extract the wished property from goods, forbidding conflicts. :param str prop: Property name :param dict extracted: the specified property value is read from `goods` and stored there, if not already present with a different value :param exc_details: If specified the index and value of the input specifification this comes from, for exception raising (the exception will assume that the conflict arises in the global forward_properties directive). :raises: AssemblyPropertyConflict """ candidate_value = goods.get_property(prop, default=_missing) if candidate_value is _missing: return try: existing = extracted[prop] except KeyError: extracted[prop] = candidate_value else: if existing != candidate_value: raise AssemblyPropertyConflict(self, exc_details, prop, existing, candidate_value) def forward_properties(self, state, for_creation=False): """Forward properties from the inputs to the outcome This is done according to the global specification :param state: the Assembly state that we are reaching. :param bool for_creation: if ``True``, means that this is part of the creation process, i.e, there's no previous state. :raises: AssemblyPropertyConflict if forwarding properties changes an already set value. """ spec = self.specification Avatar = self.registry.Wms.PhysObj.Avatar from_state = None if for_creation else self.state glob_fwd = merge_state_sub_parameters(spec.get('inputs_properties'), from_state, state, ('forward', 'set')) inputs_spec = spec.get('inputs', ()) forwarded = {} for i, (match_item, input_spec) in enumerate( zip(self.match, inputs_spec)): input_fwd = merge_state_sub_parameters( input_spec.get('properties'), from_state, state, ('forward', 'set')) for av_id in match_item: goods = Avatar.query().get(av_id).obj for fp in itertools.chain(input_fwd, glob_fwd): self.extract_property(forwarded, goods, fp, exc_details=(i, input_spec)) for extra in self.extra_inputs: for fp in glob_fwd: self.extract_property(forwarded, extra.obj, fp) return forwarded def check_inputs_properties(self, state, for_creation=False): """Apply global and per input Property requirements according to state. All property requirements between the current state (or None if we are at creation) and the wished state are checked. :param state: the state that the Assembly is about to reach :param for_creation: if True, the current value of the :attr:`state` field is ignored, and all states up to the wished state are considered. :raises: :class:`AssemblyWrongInputProperties` """ spec = self.specification global_props_spec = spec.get('inputs_properties') if global_props_spec is None: return req_props, req_prop_values = merge_state_sub_parameters( global_props_spec, None if for_creation else self.state, state, ('required', 'set'), ('required_values', 'dict'), ) for avatar in self.inputs: goods = avatar.obj if (not goods.has_properties(req_props) or not goods.has_property_values(req_prop_values)): raise AssemblyWrongInputProperties( self, avatar, req_props, req_prop_values) Avatar = self.registry.Wms.PhysObj.Avatar for i, (match_item, input_spec) in enumerate( zip(self.match, spec.get('inputs', ()))): req_props, req_prop_values = merge_state_sub_parameters( input_spec.get('properties'), None if for_creation else self.state, state, ('required', 'set'), ('required_values', 'dict'), ) for av_id in match_item: goods = Avatar.query().get(av_id).obj if (not goods.has_properties(req_props) or not goods.has_property_values(req_prop_values)): raise AssemblyWrongInputProperties( self, avatar, req_props, req_prop_values, spec_item=(i, input_spec)) def match_inputs(self, state, for_creation=False): """Compare input Avatars to specification and apply Properties rules. :param state: the state for which to perform the matching :return: extra_inputs, an iterable of inputs that are left once all input specifications are met. :raises: :class:`anyblok_wms_base.exceptions.AssemblyInputNotMatched`, :class:`anyblok_wms_base.exceptions.AssemblyForbiddenExtraInputs` """ # let' stress that the incoming ordering shouldn't matter # from this method's point of view. And indeed, only in tests can # it come from the will of a caller. In reality, it'll be due to # factors that are random wrt the specification. inputs = set(self.inputs) spec = self.specification PhysObjType = self.registry.Wms.PhysObj.Type types_by_code = dict() from_state = None if for_creation else self.state match = self.match = [] for i, expected in enumerate(spec['inputs']): match_item = [] match.append(match_item) req_props, req_prop_values = merge_state_sub_parameters( expected.get('properties'), from_state, state, ('required', 'set'), ('required_values', 'dict'), ) type_code = expected['type'] expected_id = expected.get('id') expected_code = expected.get('code') gtype = types_by_code.get(type_code) if gtype is None: gtype = PhysObjType.query().filter_by( code=type_code).one() types_by_code[type_code] = gtype for _ in range(expected['quantity']): for candidate in inputs: goods = candidate.obj if (not goods.has_type(gtype) or not goods.has_properties(req_props) or not goods.has_property_values(req_prop_values)): continue if expected_id is not None and != expected_id: continue if (expected_code is not None and goods.code != expected_code): continue inputs.discard(candidate) match_item.append( break else: raise AssemblyInputNotMatched(self, (expected, i), from_state=from_state, to_state=state) if inputs and not spec.get('allow_extra_inputs'): raise AssemblyExtraInputs(self, inputs) return inputs # TODO PERF cache ? @property def specification(self): """The Assembly specification The Assembly specification is merged from two sources: - within the ``assembly`` part of the behaviour field of :attr:`outcome_type`, the subdict associated with :attr:`name`; - optionally, the instance specific :attr:`parameters`. Here's an example, for an Assembly whose :attr:`name` is ``'soldering'``, also displaying most standard parameters. Individual aspects of these parameters are discussed in detail afterwards, as well as the merging logic. On the :attr:`outcome_type`:: behaviours = { 'assembly': { 'soldering': { 'outcome_properties': { 'planned': {'built_here': ['const', True]}, 'started': {'spam': ['const', 'eggs']}, 'done': {'serial': ['sequence', 'SOLDERINGS']}, }, 'inputs': [ {'type': 'GT1', 'quantity': 1, 'properties': { 'planned': { 'required': ['x'], }, 'started': { 'required': ['foo'], 'required_values': {'x': True}, 'requirements': 'match', # default is 'check' }, 'done': { 'forward': ['foo', 'bar'], 'requirements': 'check', } }, {'type': 'GT2', 'quantity': 2 }, {'type': 'GT3', 'quantity': 1, } ], 'inputs_spec_type': { 'planned': 'check', # default is 'match' 'started': 'match', # default is 'check' for # 'started' and 'done' states }, 'for_contents': ['all', 'descriptions'], 'allow_extra_inputs': True, 'inputs_properties': { 'planned': { 'required': … 'required_values': … 'forward': … }, 'started': … 'done': … } } } } On the Assembly instance:: parameters = { 'outcome_properties': { 'started': {'life': ['const', 'brian']} }, 'inputs': [ {}, {'code': 'ABC'}, {'id': 1234}, ] 'inputs_properties': { 'planned': { 'forward': ['foo', 'bar'], }, }, } .. note:: Non standard parameters can be specified, for use in :meth:`Specific hooks <specific_outcome_properties>`. **Inputs** The ``inputs`` part of the specification is primarily a list of expected inputs, with various criteria (PhysObj Type, quantity, PhysObj code and Properties). Besides requiring them in the first place, these criteria are also used to :meth:`qualify (match) the inputs <match_inputs>` (note that Operation inputs are unordered in general, while this ``inputs`` parameter is). This spares the calling code the need to keep track of that qualification after selecting the goods in the first place. The result of that matching is stored in the :attr:`match` field, is kept for later Assembly state changes and can be used by application code, e.g., for operator display purposes. Assemblies can also have extra inputs, according to the value of the ``allow_extra_inputs`` boolean parameter. This is especially useful for generic packing scenarios. Having both specified and extra inputs is supported (imagine packing client parcels with specified wrapping, a greetings card plus variable contents). The ``type`` criterion applies the PhysObj Type hierarchy, hence it's possible to create a generic packing Assembly for a whole family of PhysObj Types (e.g., adult trekking shoes). Similarly, all Property requirements take the properties inherited from the PhysObj Types into account. **Global Property specifications** The Assembly :attr:`specification` can have the following key/value pairs: * ``outcome_properties``: a dict whose keys are Assembly states, and values are dicts of Properties to set on the outcome; the values are pairs ``(TYPE, EXPRESSION)``, evaluated by passing as positional arguments to :meth:`eval_typed_expr`. * ``inputs_properties``: a dict whose keys are Assembly states, and values are themselves dicts with key/values: + required: list of properties that must be present on all inputs while reaching or passing through the given Assembly state, whatever their values + required_values: dict of Property key/value pairs that all inputs must bear while reaching or passing through the given Assembly state. + forward: list of properties to forward to the outcome while reaching or passing through the given Assembly state. **Per input Property checking, matching and forwarding** The same parameters as in ``inputs_properties`` can also be specified inside each :class:`dict` that form the ``inputs`` list of the :meth:`Assembly specification <spec>`), as the ``properties`` sub parameter. In that case, the Property requirements are used either as matching criteria on the inputs, or as a check on already matched PhysObj, according to the value of the ``inputs_spec_type`` parameter (default is ``'match'`` in the ``planned`` Assembly state, and ``'check'`` in the other states). Example:: 'inputs_spec_type': { 'started': 'match', # default is 'check' for # 'started' and 'done' states }, 'inputs': [ {'type': 'GT1', 'quantity': 1, 'properties': { 'planned': {'required': ['x']}, 'started': { 'required_values': {'x': True}, }, 'done': { 'forward': ['foo', 'bar'], }, ] During matching, per input specifications are applied in order, but remember that the ordering of ``self.inputs`` itself is to be considered random. In case ``inputs_spec_type`` is ``'check'``, the checking is done on the PhysObj matched by previous states, thus avoiding a potentially costly rematching. In the above example, matching will be performed in the ``'planned'`` and ``'started'`` states, but a simple check will be done if going from the ``started`` to the ``done`` state. It is therefore possible to plan an Assembly with partial information about its inputs (waiting for some Observation, or a previous Assembly to be done), and to refine that information, which can be displayed to operators, or have consequences on the Properties of the outcome, at each state change. In many cases, rematching the inputs for all state changes is unnecessary. That's why, to avoid paying the computational cost three times, the default value is ``'check'`` for the ``done`` and ``started`` states. The result of matching is stored in the :attr:`match` field. In all cases, if a given Property is to be forwarded from several inputs to the outcome and its values on these inputs aren't equal, :class:`AssemblyPropertyConflict` will be raised. **Passing through states** Following the general expectations about states of Operations, if an Assembly is created directly in the ``done`` state, it will apply the ``outcome_properties`` for the ``planned``, ``started`` and ``done`` states. Also, the matching and checks of input Properties for the ``planned``, ``started`` and ``done`` state will be performed, in that order. In other words, it behaves exactly as if it had been first planned, then started, and finally executed. Similarly, if a planned Assembly is executed (without being started first), then outcome Properties, matches and checks related to the ``started`` state are performed before those of the ``done`` state. **for_contents: building the contents Property** The outcome of the Assembly bears the special :data:`contents property <anyblok_wms_base.constants.CONTENTS_PROPERTY>`, also used by :class:`Operation.Unpack <anyblok_wms_base.core.operation.unpack.Unpack>`. This makes the reversal of Assemblies by Unpacks possible (with care in the behaviour specifications), and also can be used by applicative code to use information about the inputs even after the Assembly is done. The building of the contents Property is controlled by the ``for_contents`` parameter, which itself is either ``None`` or a pair of strings, whose first element indicates which inputs to list, and the second how to list them. The default value of ``for_contents`` is :attr:`DEFAULT_FOR_CONTENTS`. If ``for_contents`` is ``None``, no contents Property will be set on the outcome. Use this if it's unnecessary pollution, for instance if it is custom set by specific hooks anyway, or if no Unpack for disassembly is ever to be wished. *for_contents: possible values of first element:* * ``'all'``: all inputs will be listed * ``'extra'``: only the actual inputs that aren't specified in the behaviour will be listed. This is useful in cases where the Unpack behaviour already takes the specified ones into account. Hence, the variable parts of Assembly and Unpack are consistent. *for_contents: possible values of second element:* * ``'descriptions'``: include PhysObj' Types, those Properties that aren't recoverable by an Unpack from the Assembly outcome, together with appropriate ``forward_properties`` for those who are (TODO except those that come from a global ``forward`` in the Assembly specification) * ``'records'``: same as ``descriptions``, but also includes the record ids, so that an Unpack following the Assembly would not give rise to new PhysObj records, but would reuse the existing ones, hence keep the promise that the PhysObj records are meant to track the "sameness" of the physical objects. **Merging logic** All sub parameters are merged according to the expected type. For instance, ``required`` and ``forward`` in the various Property parameters are merged as a :class:`set`. As displayed in the example above, if there's an ``inputs`` part in :attr:`parameters`, it must be made of exactly the same number of ``dicts`` as within the :attr:`outcome_type` behaviour. More precisely, these lists are merged using the :func:`zip` Python builtin, which results in a truncation to the shortest. Of course, not having an ``inputs`` part in :attr:`parameters` does *not* result in empty ``inputs``. .. seealso:: :attr:`SPEC_LIST_MERGE` and :func:`dict_merge <anyblok_wms_base.utils.dict_merge>`. **Specific hooks** While already powerful, the Property manipulations described above are not expected to fit all situations. This is obviously true for the rule forbidding the forwarding of values that aren't equal for all relevant inputs: in some use cases, one would want to take the minimum of theses values, sum them, keep them as a list, or all of these at once… On the other hand, the specification is already complicated enough as it is. Therefore, the core will stick to these still relatively simple primitives, but will also provide the means to perform custom logic, through :meth:`assembly-specific hooks <specific_outcome_properties>` """ type_spec = self.outcome_type.get_behaviour('assembly')[] if self.parameters is None: return type_spec return dict_merge(self.parameters, type_spec, list_merge=self.SPEC_LIST_MERGE) SPEC_LIST_MERGE = dict( inputs_properties={'*': dict(required=('set', None), forward=('set', None), ), }, inputs=('zip', {'*': dict(properties={'*': dict(required=('set', None), forward=('set', None), ), }, ), }) ) DEFAULT_FOR_CONTENTS = ('extra', 'records') """Default value of the ``for_contents`` part of specification. See :meth:`outcome_properties` for the meaning of the values. """
[docs] def outcome_properties(self, state, for_creation=False): """Method responsible for properties on the outcome. For the given state that is been reached, this method returns a dict of Properties to apply on the outcome. :param state: The Assembly state that we are reaching. :param bool for_creation: if ``True``, means that this is part of the creation process, i.e, there's no previous state. :rtype: :class:`Model.Wms.PhysObj.Properties <anyblok_wms_base.core.physobj.Properties>` :raises: :class:`AssemblyInputNotMatched` if one of the :attr:`input specifications <specification>` is not matched by ``self.inputs``, :class:`AssemblyPropertyConflict` in case of conflicting values for the outcome. The :meth:`specific hook <specific_outcome_properties>` gets called at the very end of the process, giving it higher precedence than any other source of Properties. """ spec = self.specification assembled_props = self.forward_properties(state, for_creation=for_creation) contents = self.build_contents(assembled_props) if contents: assembled_props[CONTENTS_PROPERTY] = contents prop_exprs = merge_state_parameter( spec.get('outcome_properties'), None if for_creation else self.state, state, 'dict') assembled_props.update((k, self.eval_typed_expr(*v)) for k, v in prop_exprs.items()) assembled_props.update(self.specific_outcome_properties( assembled_props, state, for_creation=for_creation)) return assembled_props
props_hook_fmt = "outcome_properties_{name}"
[docs] def specific_outcome_properties(self, assembled_props, state, for_creation=False): """Hook for per-name specific update of Properties on outcome. At the time of Operation creation or execution, this calls a specific method whose name is derived from the :attr:`name` field, :attr:`by this format <props_hook_fmt>`, if that method exists. Applicative code is meant to override the present Model to provide the specific method. The signature to implement is identical to the present one: :param state: The Assembly state that we are reaching. :param dict assembled_props: a :class:`dict` of already prepared Properties for this state. :param bool for_creation: if ``True``, means that this is part of the creation process, i.e, there's no previous state. :return: the properties to set or update :rtype: any iterable that can be passed to :meth:`dict.update`. """ meth = getattr(self, self.props_hook_fmt.format(, None) if meth is None: return () return meth(assembled_props, state, for_creation=for_creation)
def build_contents(self, forwarded_props): """Construction of the ``contents`` property This is part of :meth`outcome_properties` """ contents_spec = self.specification.get('for_contents', self.DEFAULT_FOR_CONTENTS) if contents_spec is None: return what, how = contents_spec if what == 'extra': for_unpack = self.extra_inputs elif what == 'all': for_unpack = self.inputs contents = [] # sorting here and later is for tests reproducibility for avatar in sorted(for_unpack, key=lambda av: goods = avatar.obj props = unpack_outcome = dict( type=goods.type.code, quantity=1, # TODO hook for wms_quantity ) if props is not None: unpack_outcome_fwd = [] for k, v in props.as_dict().items(): if k in forwarded_props: unpack_outcome_fwd.append(k) else: unpack_outcome.setdefault('properties', {})[k] = v unpack_outcome_fwd.sort() if unpack_outcome_fwd: unpack_outcome['forward_properties'] = unpack_outcome_fwd contents.append(unpack_outcome) if how == 'records': # Adding physobj id so that a forthcoming unpack # would produce the very same physical objects. # TODO this *must* be discarded in case of Departures with # EDI, and maybe some other ones. How to do that cleanly and # efficiently ? unpack_outcome['local_physobj_ids'] = [] return contents def check_match_inputs(self, to_state, for_creation=False): """Check or match inputs according to specification. :rtype bool: :return: ``True`` iff a match has been performed """ spec = self.specification.get('inputs_spec_type') if spec is None: spec = {} spec.setdefault('planned', 'match') cm = merge_state_parameter(spec, None if for_creation else self.state, to_state, 'check_match') (self.match_inputs if cm.is_match else self.check_inputs_properties)( to_state, for_creation=for_creation) return cm.is_match
[docs] def after_insert(self): state = self.state outcome_state = 'present' if state == 'done' else 'future' dt_exec = self.dt_execution input_upd = dict(dt_until=dt_exec) if state == 'done': input_upd.update(state='past') # TODO PERF bulk update ? for inp in self.inputs: inp.update(**input_upd) self.check_match_inputs(state, for_creation=True) PhysObj = self.registry.Wms.PhysObj PhysObj.Avatar.insert( obj=PhysObj.insert( type=self.outcome_type, properties=PhysObj.Properties.create( **self.outcome_properties(state, for_creation=True))), location=self.outcome_location(), outcome_of=self, state=outcome_state, dt_from=dt_exec, dt_until=None)
[docs] def outcome_location(self): """Find where the new assembled physical object should appear. In this default implementation, we insist on the inputs being in a common location (see :meth:`check_inputs_locations` and we decide this is the location of the outcome. Applicative code is welcomed to refine this by overriding this method. """ return next(iter(self.inputs)).location
[docs] def execute_planned(self): """Check or rematch inputs, update properties and states. """ self.check_match_inputs('done') # TODO PERF direct update query would probably be faster for inp in self.inputs: inp.state = 'past' outcome = self.outcome outcome.obj.update_properties(self.outcome_properties('done')) outcome.state = 'present'
[docs] def eval_typed_expr(self, etype, expr): """Evaluate a typed expression. :param expr: the expression to evaluate :param etype: the type or ``expr``. *Possible values for etype* * ``'const'``: ``expr`` is considered to be a constant and gets returned directly. Any Python value that is JSON serializable is admissible. * ``'sequence'``: ``expr`` must be the code of a ``Model.System.Sequence`` instance. The return value is the formatted value of that sequence, after incrementation. """ if etype == 'const': return expr elif etype == 'sequence': return self.registry.System.Sequence.nextvalBy(code=expr.strip()) raise UnknownExpressionType(self, etype, expr)
def is_reversible(self): """Assembly can be reverted by Unpack. """ return self.outcome_type.get_behaviour("unpack") is not None def plan_revert_single(self, dt_execution, follows=()): unpack_inputs = [out for op in follows for out in op.outcomes] # self.outcomes has actually only those outcomes that aren't inputs # of downstream operations # TODO maybe change that for API clarity unpack_inputs.extend(self.outcomes) return self.registry.Wms.Operation.Unpack.create( dt_execution=dt_execution, inputs=unpack_inputs) def input_location_altered(self): """Being in-place, an Assembly must propagate changes of locations. Also it should recheck that all inputs are in the same place. """ self.check_inputs_locations(self.inputs,, outcome_type=self.outcome_type, parameters=self.parameters) outcome = self.outcome outcome.location = self.inputs[0].location for follower in self.followers: follower.input_location_altered()